Competing with the Lenovo Yoga Nine Hundred and the Samsung Notebook
Nine Spin, the HP Spectre X Three Sixty most definitely possesses the
best performance, design, and portability out of all the notebook
laptops on the market. The Core I seven chip in the processor is
accompanied with sixteen gigabytes of RAM and a five hundred and twelve
gigabyte SSD. The PCie SSD is super fast on the Spectre X Three Sixty
with a DVD transfer rate of three hundred and eighteen megabytes per
In contrast to performance, the audio featured on the Spectre X Three
Sixty is stunning, big thanks to luxury brand Bang and Olufsen. Bang
and Olufsen built a four way speaker set up inside the computer itself.
For the slim and small size of the laptop, HP was able to insert a fifty
seven point eight watt to hour battery in the notebook laptop for a
greater battery life and utilize a full HD display on their thirteen
inch screen.
Plus, the thin and sleek HP Spectre X Three Sixty does not lack on
many essentials that a full size laptop has. One of the only things
missing in this notebook laptop is a port for SD cards, and of course an
HDMI output which no notebook laptops carry. Apart from the missing SD
card ports, the laptop has all its USB ports intact, allowing for people
to still be able to upload their photos from an SD Card through an
external hard drive. Overall, the HP Spectre X Three Sixty is an
impressive machine with incredible performance for its small size.
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